Updates to TB Diagnostic Panel Now Live In Epic   
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Updates to TB Diagnostic Panel Now Live In Epic

What You Need To Know

  • Updates have been made to the TB diagnostic panel within Epic, including a new display name, “Pulmonary Tuberculosis Diagnostic Panel.” Physicians should review changes to the panel prior to signing orders.
  • Changes are in effect as of Wednesday, August 16.
  The following changes were made to the TB Diagnostic Panel:
  1. Removed the M. Tuberculosis non-sputum PCR lab order
  2. Default selected Airborne Isolation
  3. PCR and Culture lab frequencies modified to: M. Tuberculosis PCR Q8H x2 Culture, Mycobacteria with Fluorochrome Smear Q8H x3

For More Information

For more information or support, contact 848-237-3333 or EpicServiceDesk@hmhn.org
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