11 Doctors Earn Exemplary Physician Partnership Award   
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11 Doctors Earn Exemplary Physician Partnership Award

Winners: Dr. Keith Pasichow, Dr. Marissa Cohen, Dr. Mark Huang, Dr. Frank J. Sharp, Abdul Kazi, Dr. Negin Griffith, Dr. Helio Pedro, Dr. Jeff Bates, Dr. Vikalp Jain, Dr. Julie Topsis, Dr. Malik Khan,
Winners: Dr. Keith Pasichow, Dr. Marissa Cohen, Dr. Mark Huang, Dr. Frank J. Sharp, Abdul Kazi, Dr. Negin Griffith, Dr. Helio Pedro, Dr. Jeff Bates, Dr. Vikalp Jain, Dr. Julie Topsis, Dr. Malik Khan,

What You Need To Know

Winners of the Exemplary Physician Partnership award are recognized for collaborating with the nursing team to achieve a common goal or outcome, demonstrating a high degree of excellence, empathy and true concern for patients and their family members, and providing a caring and supportive environment for patients, families and fellow caregivers.

Below are the winners, along with comments from the nursing colleagues who nominated them:

Dr. Keith Pasichow, JFKUMC  * Network Winner *

"A wonderful change to the service of palliative care happened when Dr. Pasichow joined the team. Recently, the team had a young female patient who was in the final stages of metastatic breast cancer. Her pain was excruciating and could not be abated. Dr. Pasichow applied his extensive knowledge and specialized training to start the patient on palliative sedation. This was the first time the unit experienced this regimen of medications. Dr. Pasichow stayed close to the unit and would check in often to ensure not just the patient’s comfort, but the comfort of the nurses in the use of this new methodology. The entire team of professionals worked together to make this patient’s final hours peaceful. This was a great comfort to the family who were steadfast at her bedside. The staff were equally relieved to see the patient respond so well to this treatment and witnessed her pass quietly."

Dr. Marissa Cohen, PMC

"The emergency department is proud to have Dr. Cohen. She is often recognized by her patients for her caring and empathetic manners. She recently showed heroic efforts in trying to talk to a disturbed patient in the department which could have potentially led to a serious safety event if not acted upon immediately. Her quick thinking and collaboration with the nursing team and fellow providers led to a seamless treatment and utmost outcome for the patient."

Dr. Vikalp Jain, JSUMC

"Dr. Jain demonstrates a strong sense of empathy and concern for the well-being of his team members. He recently supported a nurse who was dealing with a difficult situation with a patient. By standing up for the nurse, he not only helped to diffuse the immediate conflict but also created a supportive environment where you can feel valued and respected as a member of the healthcare team."

Dr. Negin Griffith, RMC

"Dr. Griffith is the biggest cheerleader and supporter of nurses and truly cares about her patients. She is always willing to stop and educate when asked and wants what is best for everyone. She is always available to both the nurses and patients and she never makes you feel like she is bothered by a phone call. She deserves this award!"

Dr. Helio Pedro, HUMC

"Dr. Pedro's compassion and advocacy for his patients has transformed so many lives. He has demonstrated on countless occasions teamwork, empathy, patience, kindness and perseverance. He is easily approachable and incorporates nurses’ input because he appreciates and respects our feedback. We see in him a partner, a collaborator, a friend, and a leader in transformation and innovation."

Dr. Jeff Bates, APN, SOMC

"Dr. Bates is always willing to help with any surgical question and takes time to help patients and nursing staff understand what happened during surgery or why it is necessary. He also assists with expediting discharge orders and reconciliations to smoothly and efficiently discharge patients compassionately and quickly. He is a kind, gentle soul whose calm manner relaxes patients and nurses."

Dr. Malik Khan, BMC

"Dr. Khan has a vision for his patients to receive consistent and thorough communication throughout their hospital stay and is always willing to respond and listen to a nurse's concerns, even if the patient is not under his care. I have witnessed him hold the hands of patients while he explains their treatment plan or addresses their concerns."

Dr. Julie Topsis, RBMC

"Dr. Topsis is a prime example of maintaining the highest standards of excellence. As the Covid guidelines still continue to evolve, she advocated for eliminating the need for an isolette for the neonate who was born to a Covid-positive mom. She was aware of the few pieces of literature that showed no decrease in transmission rates when newborns are not kept isolated from the mother. She advocated that isolating the newborn from the mother has more negative consequences than positive benefits. Her efforts resulted in a practice change where newborns are no longer separated from Covid positive mothers. Dr. Topsis is always looking for ways to improve the patient outcomes and to educate the team."

Dr. Mark Huang, OBMC

"Nursing and patients alike are positively impacted by Dr. Huang's presence. The nursing staff in the ED feel comfortable approaching Dr. Huang at all times, because he has instilled the confidence in us that he will respond to us positively each and every time. Even on the busiest of shifts, he will always take the time to collaborate with nursing staff and maintain a friendly, caring and calm demeanor. He will take the time to sit with each of his patients and be sure they completely understand their course of treatment. Even on the busiest, most grueling shifts, I can remain 100% confident that there will be a collaborative effort between him and the nursing staff to provide our patients with the high quality care that they deserve."

Dr. Frank J. Sharp, OUMC

"Dr Sharp is one of the best physicians I've ever worked alongside. He dedicates time out of his busy schedule to educate nurses about the specific patient population, triaging, assessing and recommending treatment and follow up. He is kind, honest, and very supportive of his patients and their decisions about their care. He is loved by his patients, respected by his office staff and colleagues and admired by me."

Dr. Abdul Kazi, Carrier Clinic

"Dr. Kazi never gives up and is always trying to come up with solutions. He always spends time educating our families with regard to signs and symptoms and different treatment modalitie. He also takes input from all members of the treatment team -- nurses, social workers, group counselors and mental health technicians. Communication is always clear with regard to discharge planning and expectations during the admission. He always focuses on safety and is proactive."


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