Jersey Shore University Medical Center Enrolling Patients in a Clinical Trial   
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Jersey Shore University Medical Center Enrolling Patients in a Clinical Trial

What You Need to Know

Cardiovascular experts at Jersey Shore University Medical Center are enrolling eligible patients in Boston Scientific’s AGENT IDE clinical trial to treat in-stent restenosis (ISR), following a previous implantation of a coronary stent, through angioplasty. This is the only hospital in New Jersey participating in the trial.  

This trial will determine if the AGENT IDE balloon is more effective in addressing ISR then a standard plain balloon.  

For more than 10 years, Jersey Shore University Medical Center has been one of the leading hospitals in the state in performing diagnostic and interventional cardiac procedures. 

In 2021, the academic medical center launched a $45 million invasive cardiovascular expansion project to create a comprehensive cardiovascular suite, adding the latest technological upgrades.

About the Study

This is a randomized study. There are requirements that patients will need to follow in order to participate.  Individuals who have received PCI and are experiencing chest pain or other symptoms should speak to their physician.

If they are diagnosed with ISR and are interested in participating, they should call the site Principal Investigator, Dr. Saybolt, for a consultation at 732-663-0300 or their physician can contact our clinical research coordinator Lynda Argenzio at 732-776-2953.  (Caution: Investigational Device. Limited by Federal [or U.S.] law to investigational use only. Not available for sale.)

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