New Transcription Service Now at HMH   
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New Transcription Service Now at HMH

As of March 1st, HMH transitioned to one transcription service, eSOne from Deliverhealth. eSOne is already widely used for dictation and transcription by HIM and Cardiology Transcription services for the network. Please note, physicians dictation ID numbers have not changed as part of this transition.

HMH’s transcription and dictation number now is 833-670-2283.

The Benefits of eSOne

By moving to a single transcription system, HMH will have improved turnaround time across the network due to alignment and standardization. Additionally, HMH will now be aligned when it comes to:

  • Worktypes, 
  • Turnaround time, and
  • Transcription workflow and management.

Click here to download a transcription pocket guide.

What’s Changing

In this move to eSOne, each hospital site will experience different changes. To see what’s changed at your hospital site, please see the list below or click here to view a presentation outlining the changes.

Hackensack University Medical Center

  • CSN number will be used instead of HAR at Hackensack University Medical Center for HIM dictation.
  • Accession number will be used instead of HAR at Hackensack University Medical Center for cardiology dictation.
  • Order number will be used instead of HAR at Hackensack University Medical Center for PFT and Neurodiagnostic, including EEG dictation. Additionally, EEG will be dictated using the Neurodiagnostic worktype.

All Other Hospital Sites

  • Facility codes are no longer be required.
  • As part of this transition, some work types and keypad functions have changed. See below. Carrier Clinic is not affected by this change.

Keypad Functions

Work Types (WT)

Dictation Instructions

  • Dial 833-670-2283
  • Enter your Provider ID
  • Press 1 to dictate
  • Enter Work Type followed by the number key
  • Enter appropriate patient identifier followed by the number key:
  • 10 Digit CSN
  • 8 Digit Accession Number (WT 7)
  • 9 Digit Order Number (WT 9, 55)
  • Begin dictating after the tone.

To listen to a previous dictation:

  • Dial  833-670-2283
  • Enter your Provider ID
  • Press 3 to listen
  • Enter PIN (same as Provider ID without any leading zeros)
  • Follow system prompts
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